Clinical Instructor
Primary Hospital: Vancouver General Hospital
Clinical Office Address:
Diamond Health Care Centre
4217 – 2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1 M9
Dr. Konrad Salata is a vascular surgeon at Vancouver General Hospital. He completed his medical, vascular surgical, and advanced endovascular aortic surgical training at the University of Toronto. His surgical interests include the breadth of vascular surgical practice including all arterial and venous pathologies treated by open, endovascular, or hybrid approaches.
Dr. Konrad Salata obtained his PhD in clinical epidemiology from the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto through completion of the Surgeon Scientist and Clinician Investigator Programs. He has numerous high impact publications in multiple international medical journals, and expertise in the use of population-based data for the study and improvement of patient outcomes.
Dr. Konrad Salata loves the mountains and enjoys snowboarding and rock climbing in his spare time.