Royal Columbian Hospital

Site Director:

Dr. Joel Gagnon >

Postgraduate Education Lead:

Dr. Kevin Lee >

Undergraduate Education Lead:

Dr. Kevin Lee >

Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH) is among the oldest hospitals in British Columbia and one of the busiest in Fraser Health. It is located in New Westminster overlooking the Fraser River and is the only hospital in the Lower Mainland that is immediately adjacent to a Skytrain station.

Royal Columbian Hospital provides specialized acute care services, such as tertiary trauma, orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, interventional cardiology and vascular surgery.
In 2020 inpatient bed capacity increased to 490 with the opening of the Mental Health Substance Use Wellness Centre (MHSUWC). The bed capacity is expanding and will have the largest intervention platform in the province with 11 angiosuites side by side on the same flour (Opening early 2025).

Trainees rotating through RCH will be exposed to both open cases and advanced endovascular aortic on a regular basis (F/Bevar, dissection, arch) and peripheral procedures performed by the vascular surgery division. The volume load of case is around 1200 cases per year which includes advanced venous procedures, thoracic outlet decompression, and advanced endovascular pedal procedures.